


主教(merrill Lynch) 高中 utilizes a president/主要 leadership model to provide a first-choice high school experience.

而校长则代表学校向更广泛的社区, 包括校友和未来的家庭, 校长负责日常的学术和现场操作.  


自1963年以来, 林奇主教学院的学生被教导要追求卓越, 在世界上寻求真理,为正义而努力. 我们现在有超过13个,000 alumni across the world who are living the BL mission and making a positive difference in their communities. 这有力地证明了天主教教育的作用.



克里斯托弗·L. Rebuck自2015年7月起担任主教(merrill Lynch) 高中的总裁. 在上任之前,奥巴马曾表示. Rebuck served as 主教(merrill Lynch)’s Dean of Students for the previous seven years, beginning in May 2008. 

作为德克萨斯州最大的男女同校私立学校的校长. Rebuck is focused on fostering Catholic identity and growing the mission through a comprehensive advancement program, 市场营销, 校友关系, 登记管理, 以及领导力发展. 

阅读更多澳门新葡京博彩Mr. Rebuck


Dr. 乍得莱利


查德·莱利博士.D.自2017年7月起担任澳门新葡京博彩校长. 作为校长,博士. 莱利 oversees the integration of all operational aspects of the school and nurtures Catholic identity through leadership in academics and student formation, 包括艺术, 体育运动, 议院制, 指导部门.  

阅读更多澳门新葡京博彩Dr. 莱利



一月初, 主教(merrill Lynch) 高中 alumni came back to campus for the annual young alumni luncheon - fondly known as 校友 Taco Tuesday. It is always heartwarming to reconnect with these recent graduates and hear about their collegiate pursuits.

阅读更多 澳门新葡京博彩根植于归属感文化的学术
Celebrating Success: 主教(merrill Lynch) 体育运动 Continues Its Tradition on National Signing Day

本周, 主教(merrill Lynch) 体育运动 celebrated National Signing Day by honoring the commitment nine of our Friar student-athletes who made the decision to continue their academic and athletic careers at various colleges and universities across the country. These Friars are now a part of a strong tradition and will join 81 Friar alumni currently competing at the collegiate level.

阅读更多 about Celebrating Success: 主教(merrill Lynch) 体育运动 Continues Its Tradition on National Signing Day

我刚在林奇主教任职时, I set out to highlight gratitude in a special way by reflecting on thankfulness each Thursday. Thanksgiving has long been one of my favorite holidays and I have often wished for a more comprehensive approach to practicing this intentional gratitude throughout the entire year.

阅读更多 9月21日为BL日

周日, 8月27日, members of the 主教(merrill Lynch) community gathered for Mass to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of our school. We had a wide variety of groups and supporters present to celebrate this important milestone in the life of BL.

阅读更多 介绍我们的新战略计划

Welcome to another exciting year at 主教(merrill Lynch) filled with potential, growth, and opportunity. 我在天主教学校当了25年的老师, 教练, 体育指导员, 主要, 教务长, 现在作为总统, I am humbled by the trust that I have been afforded by parents to walk alongside them on their journey to help their children find their path of promise and purpose. A driving force behind my purpose is the power of challenge and invitation to inspire others to build communities that are rooted in belonging. I believe that we are better together and thus we embark on this journey of a new school year in just that way.

阅读更多 澳门新葡京博彩八月领导讯息

Next week I have been given the opportunity to present on 体育运动 at 主教(merrill Lynch) at the National Catholic Educational Association conference that will be held in Irving. While preparing for this presentation I have spent time reflecting on the topic of presence and how that exists within Friar 体育运动 today. The best part of my role as director of 体育运动 at 主教(merrill Lynch) is having the privilege of being present to celebrate the successes of our Friar student-athletes and 教练es.

阅读更多 澳门新葡京博彩在场的重要性

在加入澳门新葡京博彩的领导团队之前,克里斯曾在圣. 埃尼斯的约翰天主教学校, Texas where he served as Assistant 主要/Athletic Director from 2002-2004 and then 主要 from 2004-2008. 1998年,他开始了自己的教育生涯. 位于宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒阿伦敦教区的迈克尔大天使学校. 

在成长过程中,. 瑞巴克就读于查尔斯顿教区的天主教学校, South Carolina and completed his undergraduate studies at DeSales University and his graduate studies at the University of 达拉斯. He completed an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management at the University of Texas at 达拉斯, 纳文·金达尔管理学院, 并参加了波士顿学院, 以马忤斯领导力研究生课程领导力和学校管理.  

Mr. Rebuck is a true believer in Catholic education as a product of the parochial system himself, as president of 主教(merrill Lynch) and as a parent of three children enrolled in Catholic schools, 包括林奇主教. Mr. 瑞巴克、他的妻子和他们的女儿都是圣. 帕特里克天主教堂.  

作为一名活跃的社区志愿者. Rebuck任职于Ferguson Road Initiative执行委员会, is an advisor on the White Rock Partnership Board and is a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 799. 他同时也是圣. 帕特里克天主教堂.